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What Are Polymers ? What is Addition polymerisation?

Polymers I ntroduction Polymers are macromolecules (Large molecule) made from simple molecules and characterized by repeating units in linear sequence. They are held together by covalent bonds. The simple molecules could be same or different. The word polymer was derived by Greek word Polymeros where poly means many and meros me ans p arts. This word was given  by Berzelius in 1853. The simple molecules which combines to form a polymer of high molecular weight are called monomers. They  are b asic units of polymers. Polymerisation is a process in which large numbers of monomers combine to form a macromolecule called polymer molecule. The average number of monomer molecules present in the polymer molecule is called degree of polymerization (n).   Polymers are studied in the fields of polymer science, biophysics, and material science and engineering. Classification of polymers         They are classified

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